by Hannah Klose | Jun 6, 2020 | Op Shop Guide
Melbourne is a mecca for opshopping so I thought I better call on one of my favourite thrifting compadres, Emily from Blue Umbrella Lane, to spill the beans on the secondhand hot spots down south. Here’s her top five… 1. Brotherhood of St Laurence Address:...
by Hannah Klose | Dec 9, 2019 | Op Shop Guide
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas and if you don’t want to max your credit card this silly season, skip your local shopping mall and try scoring some secondhand goods at your local thrift store! Aside from saving you A LOT OF COIN, there are so many good...
by Hannah Klose | Jun 12, 2016 | Op Shop Guide
We’ve all been there…Sunday rolls around and you’ve missed your weekend opshopping window. All you can think about is the fact that you’ll have to wait another week to get your thrift on. Wrong. Turns out 30 opshops across Brisbane open their...
by Hannah Klose | Sep 21, 2015 | Op Shop Profiles
This thrift shop has so many rooms you could actually get lost! It was converted from a house so there’s eight to rummage through, including a bargain room where everything is $2 and on Sundays you can fill a bag of garments for $5. I’m still over the moon about...
by Hannah Klose | Jun 18, 2015 | Op Shop Guide
It seems that all Hannah’s are opshop-aholics! Meet Hannah from In the dress up box, who lives on the other side of the country in sunny Perth. Out of the kindness of her heart she’s shared her top five favourite local op shops, just in case there are any...
by Hannah Klose | May 20, 2015 | Op Shop Guide
When people say ‘Melbourne’ I think shopping. It’s a bit of a retail mecca for me, especially with six Savers stores to choose from! This time I went further afield on my thrift bender…all the way down to the Mornington Peninsular and the...
by Hannah Klose | Apr 8, 2014 | Op Shop Profiles
You need to set aside 1-2 hours for this Lifeline…they don’t call it a Supa Store for nothing! They get a couple of truck deliveries a week, plus plenty of donations coming through the doors each day. The shop is well laid out with furniture on the left, clothing on...